What We Offer
Targeting the “nontraditional buyer” with rentals, one-on-one coaching, financial assistance, fiscal literacy, and inspiration about the possibilities of homeownership.
Rental properties (SRO)
Single room occupancy (more commonly abbreviated to SRO) is a form of housing that is typically aimed at residents with low or minimal incomes, or single adults who like a minimalist lifestyle, who rent small, furnished single rooms with a bed, chair, refrigerator, microwave and sometimes a small desk.
Our SRO units are rented out as permanent residence on a week-to-week agreement, and/or a primary residence to individuals, where tenants share a kitchen, toilets or bathrooms., and they range from (80 to 140 sq ft).
Generational Homeownership Program for 1st Time Homeownership
The Generational Homeownership Program is designed to provide financial assistance, fiscal literacy, one-on-one coaching, and homebuyer seminars for the nontraditional buyers.
Participants are empowered with step-by-step coaching of securing their very own home, which includes:
Credit repair.
Mortgage loan {adjustable v. fixed}.
Down payment and closing cost.
Debt to income ratio.
Assistance from community leaders {Inspector, Realtor, lenders, and attorneys}.
Interest rates.
Neighborhood Revitalization Program designed by youth
By advocating for the homeless, this program has provided more affordable housing to single families, individuals, and veterans who would otherwise be living in hotels, cars, and shelters.
Investing in communities’ revitalization has led to measurable increases in access to employment, supportive services, community amenities, transportation, quality, and affordable housing stock; providing financial incentives to our young people with opportunities to learn carpentry, plumbing, roofing, flooring, and electrical installation by working with master professionals in these fields.